It”s beginning to Look A Lot Like Phishing
Overall Thoughts
This was a great intruduction to looking for imformation in a malicous email. Most people unless in that role would actually know how to do this. I think it is great we are getting all sorts of different views on different skills to build for ourselves. Overall had at all if you follow the instructions or the video walk through provided by Cyberseurity Meg
Getting Started
There are more questions today than on previous days but we should be able to power through them quickly
In this room the box automatically spawns with an image with everything you need to include the email file. So following the instructions we open up sublime text editor and open the email file
My Sublime automatically opened it in the correct format but the instructions are there if you need to change the format to email header
Lets start answering questions
Question 1
Looking at the information in sublime we can see the From field which gives us the answer to Question 1
Question 2
Again looking at the information in sublime we can see the retun-path which gives us the answer to number 2
Question 3
This one was answered with the information we gathered from question one so lets look there again
Question 4
Question four has us looking for the X-spam source which again we can find in the information in Sublime
Question 5
This one we will find the hash in the informaiton in sublime we just have to decode it. I personally like but you can easily just google a base64 decoder and get the answer.
Question 6
Now we are going to have to visit the website to check the senders email rep
Question 7
This one is found in the information in sublime again
Question 8
This one we will have to use a few command line tools to get the hash
Open up terminal and make sure we Change directory, CD, into the desktop folder. First we will have to run the email anylizer to extract all the information the command will be.
emlAnalyer -i Urgent\:eml --header --html -u --text --extrat-all
Now if we check our directory we have the eml_attachment folder we can cd into that and run the get the hash value by running this command
sha256sum Name_of_email_attachment
and there is our hash
Question 9
Now we have to visit the virus total website with the hash and see what it says for the hash.
Question 10
This question has has using another website to check the hash
Looking it up we can see the subcategory for the hash
That brings us to the end of day 6 of Advent of Cyber. I am really excited for tomorrow and the end of the first week.